Friday, December 27, 2019

Can Christians Believe in Dinosaurs

Plenty of animals make cameo appearances in the Old and New Testaments—snakes, sheep, and frogs, to name just three—but there isnt a single mention of dinosaurs. (Yes, some Christians maintain that the serpents of the Bible were really dinosaurs, as were the fearsomely named monsters Behemoth and Leviathan, but this isnt a widely accepted interpretation.) This lack of inclusion, combined with scientists assertion that dinosaurs lived over 65 million years ago, makes many Christians skeptical about the existence of dinosaurs, and of prehistoric life in general. The question is, can a devout Christian believe in creatures like Apatosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex without running afoul of the articles of his faith? In order to answer this question, we first have to define what we mean by the word Christian. The fact is that there are over two billion self-identified Christians in the world, and most of them practice a very moderate form of their religion (just as the majority of Muslims, Jews, and Hindus practice moderate forms of their religions). Of this number, about 300 million identify themselves as fundamentalist Christians, an inflexible subset of which believes in the inerrancy of the Bible concerning all things (ranging from morality to paleontology) and therefore have the most difficulty accepting the idea of dinosaurs and deep geological time. Still, some types of fundamentalists are more fundamental than others, meaning its difficult to establish exactly how many of these Christians genuinely disbelieve in dinosaurs, evolution, and an earth thats older than a few thousand years. Even taking the most generous estimate of the number of die-hard fundamentalists, that still leaves about 1.9 billion Christians who have no trouble reconciling scientific discoveries with their belief system. No less an authority than Pope Pius XII said, in 1950, that there was nothing wrong with believing in evolution, with the proviso that the individual human soul is still created by God (an issue about which science has nothing to say), and in 2014 Pope Francis actively endorsed evolutionary theory (as well as other scientific ideas, like global warming, that some people disbelieve). Can Fundamentalist Christians Believe in Dinosaurs? The main thing that distinguishes fundamentalists from other types of Christians is their belief that the Old and New Testaments are literally true—and thus the first and last word in any debate concerning morality, geology, and biology. While most Christian authorities have no trouble interpreting the six days of creation in the Bible as figurative rather than literal—for all we know, each day may have been 500 million years long! Fundamentalists insist that a biblical day is exactly as long as a modern day. Combined with a close reading of the age of the patriarchs, and a reconstruction of the timeline of biblical events, this leads fundamentalists to deduce an age for the earth of about 6,000 years. Needless to say, its extremely difficult to fit creation and dinosaurs (not to mention most of geology, astronomy and evolutionary biology) into that brief a time frame. Fundamentalists propose the following solutions to this dilemma: Dinosaurs were real, but they lived only a few thousand years ago. This is the most common solution to the dinosaur problem: Stegosaurus, Triceratops and their ilk roamed the earth during Biblical times, and were even led, two by two, onto Noahs Ark (or taken aboard as eggs). In this view, paleontologists are at best misinformed, and at worst perpetrating an outright fraud, when they date fossils to tens of millions of years ago, since this goes against the word of the Bible. Dinosaurs are real, and theyre still with us today. How can we say dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago when there are still tyrannosaurs roaming the jungles of Africa and plesiosaurs shadowing the ocean floor? This line of reasoning is even more logically incoherent than the others since the discovery of a living, breathing Allosaurus wouldnt prove anything about a) the existence of dinosaurs during the Mesozoic Era or b) the viability of the theory of evolution. The fossils of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals were planted by Satan. This is the ultimate conspiracy theory: the evidence for the existence of dinosaurs was planted by no less an arch-fiend than Lucifer, to lead Christians away from the one true path to salvation. Granted, not many fundamentalists subscribe to this belief, and its unclear how seriously its taken by its adherents (who may be more interested in scaring people onto the straight and narrow than stating the unadorned facts). How Can You Argue with a Fundamentalist About Dinosaurs? The short answer is: you cant. Today, most reputable scientists have a policy of not engaging in debates with fundamentalists about the fossil record or the theory of evolution, because the two parties are arguing from incompatible premises. Scientists gather empirical data, fit theories to discovered patterns, change their views when circumstances demand, and boldly go where the evidence leads them. Fundamentalist Christians are deeply distrustful of empirical science and insist that the Old and New Testaments are the only true source of all knowledge. These two world-views overlap exactly nowhere! In an ideal world, fundamentalist beliefs about dinosaurs and evolution would fade into obscurity, driven out of the sunlight by the overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary. In the world we live in, though, school boards in conservative regions of the U.S. are still trying to either remove references to evolution in science textbooks, or add passages about intelligent design (a well-known smokescreen for fundamentalist views about evolution). Clearly, vis-a-vis the existence of dinosaurs, we still have a long way to go to convince fundamentalist Christians of the value of science.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Adoption by Gay Couples Should Be Legal in All 50 States...

Within the last few years, homosexuality has become more socially acceptable. They are now coming out of the closet so to speak, ready to start having families and feeling a desire to adopt. However, only 15 states allow gay couples to adopt. Persons of the same sex are just as capable of nurturing, loving and supporting adopted children as a straight couple. Over the last year, researchers in Australia found that having gay or lesbian parents does not affect a child’s education, social development or emotional health. Evidence shows that gay men and lesbians make just as good parents †¦Ã¢â‚¬  The fact that the parents love someone who is of the same gender, does not hinder their ability to love and raise a child. Children need role models,†¦show more content†¦The US Census Bureau conducted scientific research on the children of thousands of homosexual parents and reported that those children were as healthy, psychologically in regards of social relationships, self-esteem and behavioral problems. It is the quality of the parenting that determines the wellbeing of a child, not the sexual preference of the parent. In Perry v. Brown, the District Court stated that â€Å"same-sex parents and opposite-sex parents are of equal quality. Studies of children raised by same-sex couples often compare them to children raised by single mothers. Others compare them to children raised by divorced heterosexual parents. Clearly neither comparison group does as well as children raised by their married biological parents, so on its face, these claims carry little weight even if they are true†. (George W. Dent Jr. Same-Sex Parenting Is Harmful.) People may argue that a child needs both a mom and a dad to have a healthy childhood, however, it is sufficient enough to have a single mom or a single dad, and it is considered acceptable for those people to adopt. In 2012, a lesbian couple petitioned Federal Judge, Judge Bernard Friedman, with the right for them to adopt a child. In his ruling he stated â€Å"†¦children are just as well off with a same-sex couple than they are with a differently sexed cou ple and that emotionally, cognitively, socially, in every way, shapeShow MoreRelatedShould Gay Marriage Be Legal?778 Words   |  3 PagesShould Gay Marriage Be Legal? â€Å"†¦I now pronounce you husband and wife†¦Ã¢â‚¬  One would normally hear this when attending a wedding. In tradition marriage has been between one male and one female who love each other. But how would one feel if they heard â€Å"I now pronounce you groom and groom† or how about â€Å"†¦bride and bride...†? In the last 50 years the number of same-sex couples has increased. The on-going argument between the government and the people is â€Å"Should gay marriage be legal?† Although some sayRead MoreShould Homosexuals Be Allowed? Adopt?1512 Words   |  7 Pages Documented Research Paper 18 November 2014 Should Homosexuals be allowed to Adopt Did you know that Florida absolutely bans homosexuals to adopt children? Over a million people in the United States disagree on same sex marriage. If they disagree with same sex marriage what about when homosexuals want to adopt children. In my opinion it is great that homosexuals want to adopt children, because it is not about who they are being raised by. It is all about if the children are being raised with twoRead MoreEssay on Pro Same-Sex Marriage and Pro Family1487 Words   |  6 Pagespopulation of gays in America’s communities growing closer to 10%, the topic of gay marriage comes up time and time again. There are always two sides to each battle, and each side feels strongly on their decided opinions. The gay population seems to feel more strongly on this battle. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;On November 18, 2003, Massachusetts legalized civil marriages. The Supreme Judicial Court ruled in a 4-3 favor that same sex couples can marry, saying that same- and opposite-sex couples must beRead MorePersuasive Essay About Same Sex Parenting1273 Words   |  6 PagesPeople who believe that gay couples should not be parents because it would negatively impact the children, but do not bother helping the 450,000 foster children in need of a loving family do not really care about the children. Gay couples can help lower this number of lonely foster kids since they are not able to have children of their own. Same-sex parenting should be commonly accepted because same-sex couples form relationships that are more stable than most heterosexual marriages, they are moreRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1159 Words   |  5 Pagessociety will say they support equal rights for all citizens. But as soon as the topic of equal rights for homosexuals, people become un comfortable and uneasy, not knowing which opinion is right and wrong and right. Surprisingly the majority of Americans voted for the Constitutional Amendment, which puts a ban on gay marriage. This amendment entitles to equal rights to the gay community, ending toleration of discrimination in jobs, rights protecting gays from hate crimes,rights allowing advancementRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay1666 Words   |  7 Pagessame-sex couples to marry in all 50 US states. Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy stated in the majority opinion: The court now holds that same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry. No longer may this liberty be denied to them. Marriage between same-sex couples continues to be a heated issue of debate in society today. Denying gay marriage affects gay and lesbian couples and lets people think that is acceptable to discriminate against them. Even though same-sex couples are notRead MoreGay Couples Should Be Legal1427 Words   |  6 P agesYour partner and you are finally getting the moment you have been dreamed of, a wedding. This day took months in advance to prepare, all in the name of love. Now imagine this dream being taken away from you. The lights, the flowers, the beautiful night sky, and the love that is ever so fluffy bouncing through the air. This is what our society is experiencing. Many gays believe that they deserve the rights they are granted by the government. They work extremely hard, day in and day out trying to findRead MoreGay Adoption Should Be Legal1203 Words   |  5 PagesGay adoption is a touchy subject to a lot of people. Even though gay adoption became legal in all 50 states on June 26, 2017 everyone still seems to have an opinion on the matter and a lot of the opinions lean toward not allowing gay couples to adopt. There are so many children in the foster care system that need loving and stable homes so why not let gay couples give that to them? There is a lot of evidence to show that gay couples can be just as good at parenting as a straight couple. Maybe evenRead MoreThe Catholic Church Should Accept That Gay Marriage1526 Words   |  7 Pages The Catholic Church should accept that gay marriage is morally acceptable and doesn’t contradict their beliefs. Gay marriage has been a topic of controversy ever since the 1970’s. May of 1970 to be exact. Around This time two men named Richard John Jack Baker and James Michael McConnell in Minnesota applied to Hennepin County District Court clerk Gerald Nelson for a marriage license. They were denied because they both were men. This issue of two people of the same sex getting married isRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1205 Words   |  5 PagesSociology 1301-93431 Gay Marriage Getting married is something that most people do when they find love, which it is an important event in their life. The GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) community now get the legal right of same-sex marriage, which they have fought for throughout the years; on the other hand, some opponents of same-sex marriage have called for a constitutional change towards it. Although there were some countries that allowed gay marriage before the United States, in June 26

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Implications of Management Skills and Competencies

Question: Discuss about the Implications of Management Skills and Competencies. Answer: Introduction New Zealand, once the wealthiest and most advance country of the world is facing challenges in keeping up with the fast-faced global environment internationally and domestically. The case study of Netflix has brought an outcome of the reasons as to why New Zealand is facing such problems. It has emphasized on three points which include issues like brain drain, finances, the unwillingness of overseas investors, and employee retention (Zhu, 2014). The article also emphasises on the lack of managerial skills required by the leaders of the company to bring success to it. The third point emphasized by the case study is the requirement of a new business model or redesigning of the old one as per the new global changes. As per them the changing markets and technologies have led the stakeholders and funders more guarded regarding their investment and later the profit earned though it. This essay critically analyses the issues and view point on the actuality of the problems (Bagire and Namada , 2013). Thesis Statements The case study has concluded that there are a regular brain drain, financial issues and problem in retaining employees. The reason of these issues is the lack of opportunities in New Zealand. The economic growth of New Zealand has decreased since the global crisis of 2008-2009. Though New Zealand has come up with some primary industries to increase its economic growth but still the New Zealanders are emigrating in search of better career options. Managerial skills are required here to help the company in retaining its employees. These managerial skills are needed to be developed. Another issue is the low amount of wages that company offer to their employees, this make them go for a search of a better option outside the country. New Zealand has no or a few big industry players like manufacturing units, automobiles companies, semiconductors, or aerospace. People wanting a career in these fields have no opportunities in New Zealand so they emigrate (Tyson, 2012). Another author says tha t the reason for all the problems is the underperformance of the industries of New Zealand (NZIER, 2011). It is true that New Zealand is facing a lot of issues with all the sectors operating here, and measures are needed to be taken to solve these issues, or it will lead New Zealand to more economic disasters. It becomes very important for the business sector of New Zealand to work out measures that will help in bringing improvement in the current issues. As told before New Zealand does have primary industries which can be used to bring strength to the business sector of the country but they will not be sufficient to overcome the economic crises and remove all the financial issues that the country is facing. As per Yukl, it is necessary that the current situation of the countrys business sector need to be analysed and then an understanding of the managerial requirements and its development should be managed. According to him, the managerial qualities required to overcome these issue s are learning to advocate the change, encourage innovation, facilitate collective learning and envision change. These behavioural changes in managerial skills will help in improving the current conditions (Yukl, 2012). The second thesis statement emphasized by the case study is that the managers of New Zealand business sector lack effective managerial quality and to improve that the development of managerial skills in the leader becomes necessary. The case study has determined three managerial skills which can bring the maximum change in the situation of the New Zealands business structure. The three managerial skills are the capabilities of managing organisational renewal and uncertainty; to handle the relationship web with stakeholder a manager needs political and interpersonal skills and a skill of systematic approach in managing limited resources and people. A study conducted by Dayal Talukder, Brent Hawkins states that the managers of New Zealand believe that on the job experience is sufficient for them to perform successfully in the business and the improvement of managerial skills through coaching is not important (Talukder and Hawkins, 2014). This traditional approach of the managers needed to be changed, and they should be told that it is very much possible to develop a managerial skill in a person. The current issues of brain drain, finances, and retaining of employees and the required managerial skills are associated with each other as these are the major issues that the country is facing, and solution for removing these issues are in improving the suggested managerial skills. It is true that improving managerial skill will help in retaining employees as the manager with his skill of managing people able to retain the employee that will also decrease the problem of brain drain. Management of stakeholders and partners will handle the issue of financial problems and attract investors. The uncertainty in any business is a part that cannot be removed. Thus, the skill of managing the uncertainty is also proved to be a beneficial skill for a manager. The leadership and management skills substantially impact an organisational performance. The flourishing of innovation and skill development is only possible if the manager is skilled. They help in achieving the targets set by the company and enhance the productivity growth of it (Green, 2010). The case study has specified the few important managerial skills which majorly covers the currently identified issues. It is important that more studies take place, and all the managerial skills required for the improvement of the business sector of New Zealand are identified and added in the learning phase of the management. One such study emphasises on few keys that are necessary for a manager to have and they are integrity, honesty, trustworthiness, and creativity. This will help in enhancing the innovativeness of the business and the power to face competitions (Cumin, Talukder and Hawkins, 2012). The third statement emphasised in the case study is the requirement of the change of business model that New Zealand business sector is following presently. As per the case study, there is a requirement of solving issues like brain drain finances, and employee retention. These problems, when diagnosed, stated that improvement in managerial skills would help in solving the issues. But, the case study clarifies further that just by improving the managerial skills will not be able to overcome the issues that New Zealand business sector is facing (Zhu, 2014). It is necessary to introduce a new business model or redesign the current business model. Managers are asked to improve their managerial skill and manage within the limited resources that are available to them which ask the business model should also change which can make the limited resources sufficient to attain the target and its procedure. The business model required here should emphasise on the phrase trim the fat and without c reating employee redundancies enhance the quality of work. This business model will include quality management, working collaboratively; enhance personal performance, and lean production (de Menezes, Wood and Gelade, 2010). Although just based on the survey of 265 chief executives it is difficult to decide the exact business model that will act the most beneficial, but focusing on the three managerial skills required and the related problems need to be solved few changes can be determined and applied in the business model. A business model defines the manner in which an enterprise works. Which means the reflection of managements hypothesis on customer want, like how, when, and what. To meet them managerial skills are required, and therefore the proper business model is required (Teece, 2009). The new business will not only identify the managerial skills of the leader, but the ability of the entire management hierarchy will improve. Thus, the emphasis of the case study on the new bus iness model or redesigning of the old one is very important to achieve the other two statements give in the essay. The new business model may include strategies like training, job design, improved selection, and team-building. These strategies will not only help the managers to attain the target the company has set, but the overall development of the whole organisation will take place (Kaushik, Pennathur and Barnhart, 2010). Conclusion This article helps in clearing a current picture of New Zealands current business sector. As per the article, the survey conducted includes more about 265 chief executives, whereas there are more than thousand of companies operating in New Zealand. One could not determine the correct result with only one-fourth of the actual operating organisations. Also, there is no equal ratio in sectors those who have answered the survey. A clear picture can only be attained when most of the management answers the survey and then a diagnosis is done of the factors due to which the companies of New Zealand are facing so many problems. The article to determine the issues and problems that the country is facing in the recent times, but a proper solution to any of the problems are not being suggested anywhere in the article. The best part of the article is that it has divided the issues and problems into two parts and that helps in clarifying the issues and problems in details and its outcome is well- partitioned. Thus, to conclude the exact outcome of the issues in New Zealand and finding their solution a more detailed survey is required. References Bagire, V. and Namada, J. (2013). Managerial Skills, Financial Capability and Strategic Planning in Organizations.AJIBM, 03(05), pp.480-487. Cumin, D., Talukder, D. and Hawkins, B. (2012).Managerial skills and competencies in NZ o rganiz atio ns: a cause for concern. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Sep. 2016]. de Menezes, L., Wood, S. and Gelade, G. (2010). The integration of human resource and operation management practices and its link with performance: A longitudinal latent class study.Journal of Operations Management, 28(6), pp.455-471. Green, R. (2010).Management Matter in New Zealand- How does manufacturing measure up?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Sep. 2016]. Kaushik, A., Pennathur, A. and Barnhart, S. (2010). Market timing and the determinants of performance of sector funds over the business cycle.Managerial Finance, 36(7), pp.583-602. NZIER, N. (2011).Working paper 2011/3 Industry productivity and the Australia - New Zealand income gap. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Sep. 2016]. Talukder, D. and Hawkins, B. (2014). Managerial skills and competencies in New Zealand organisations: a cause for concern: International Journal of Economics and Business Research: Vol 8, No 2.International Journal of Economics and Business Research. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Sep. 2016]. Teece, D. (2009).Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Sep. 2016]. Tyson, S. (2012). The Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management20131Edited by Chris Brewster and Wolfgang Mayrhofer. The Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited 2012. 704 pp., ISBN: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 10: 184720726X; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 13: 978à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 1847207265.Personnel Review, 42(1), pp.127-129. Yukl, G. (2012). Effective Leadership Behavior: What We Know and What Questions Need More Attention.Academy of Management Perspectives, 26(4), pp.66-85. Zhu, Y. (2014). The Mediating Effects of Managerial Skills on the Relationship Between Managerial Values, Ethical Leadership, and Organizational Reputation.Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 15(4), pp.335-359.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The intrigue networks Review Essay Example

The intrigue networks Review Paper Essay on The intrigue networks A friend pulled Provincial Leroux from a small town in the Russian capital. However, come is half the battle, the main thing to be able to stay in the city, catch and at the same time to live in grand style. But how? Mind at a young blond beauty, quite frankly, a little bit. In this case, one thing remains to find a rich lover. Do you think it is a banal story? But not quite. Not for nothing because Oleg Roy called his new novel The networks of intrigue » . So, back to the story of Valeria. By working in a clothing store, accidentally meets certain Bogachkov Svetlana, and provincial life changing They are together for Lera rich lover, who soon dies the family terrible and mysterious tragedy, especially if we remember that once in a conversation in cafà © Svetlana Leray offered to marry his oligarch, assuming that his wife and children have an accident By the way, the conversation between two friends overheard in a cafe writer, screenwriter and producer Paul Saveltsev. He can not miss such a story and begins his investigation, which will lead to the most unexpected consequences. And first of all for himself. We will write a custom essay sample on The intrigue networks Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The intrigue networks Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The intrigue networks Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is probably believable story. Very rarely, who had come from the provinces to the capital of the person manages to get absolutely honest way to earn really big money. The more often we want all at once. Despite the plot twist of intrigue seemed rather weak. Around the middle of the book, I began to guess who is really behind all events, did not know just why. And yet, it seemed to me, in the story there is a discrepancy. Just to share some thoughts I can only with those who have already read the book. Otherwise, Ill be the most important and interesting to read the book. In general, Oleg Roys novel turned out no worse and no better than most of his works. But more than any other I still like three of his novel: Barcelona gallery, Stolen Happiness and Smile black cat » . The intrigue networks Review Essay Example The intrigue networks Review Paper Essay on The intrigue networks -I believe we have made an important and necessary work, sounded from the screen a familiar voice. In the end, in such a situation may be, each of us, every person, even one whos all right, can at one moment be without a roof over your head. Agree to fate a capricious thing. Today, all you have but tomorrow you can lose everything, including the most expensive He looked up so that Ole fancied Vdovin looking directly at her. A chill ran chills. At these words does not end so long ago appeared on the shelves of bookstores Oleg Roys novel The intrigue networks. What is it? An occasion for reflection and guessing the plot the reader, or it may be a prelude cinematic screen TO BE CONTINED Such an ambiguous end only one element of a new literary credo Oleg Roy. In a network of intrigues a novel, radically different from previously published books of the writer We will write a custom essay sample on The intrigue networks Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The intrigue networks Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The intrigue networks Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer -. In your film wins the villain -.? A real father of the child Is this true -My movie is not about justice, but about real life, but I can not answer your question, and -.. yes, of course, true winner is the strongest, the one who turned out to be smarter, more inventive and visionary of others. says the protagonist of the novel. This short dialogue illustrates the new position of Oleg Roy, in relation to the whims of fate. In his most recent novels ( The script of their own mistakes, The networks of intrigue) is no more sentimentality, its place is a reality that today gives, alas, only a dramatic tone. Oleg Roy gives a chance to those who understand the law of modern life, understood if you want to achieve the goal to go on the corpses. As much as it may sound rude, but in his life that way the winner is the one who is stronger, wiser, smarter, more cunning, calculating, insolent .. And what could be more interesting book in which the game is played according to the rules OUR LIVES